Friday, May 15, 2015

Elijah & Autumn / Downton Abbey Update

Elijah & Autumn

Elijah & Autumn were involved in an auto accident the late afternoon of Friday, May 8th(one week ago)just inside the Colorado/Wyoming border.  Both have sustained critical injuries and are in comas.  Elijah is in Cheyenne but Autumn was transported to Denver.  We have been friend's with Elijah and his family since our sons were about four or five.  Elijah is still in a coma but his father allowed my son and his friend to see him on Wednesday and to pray for him.  That was a tremendous blessing and comfort to my son.  If you know our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ please pray or continue praying for Elijah and Autumn.  The website will be a total blessing to anyone to see how the families have responded and how friends and families have joined together, knowing that God is in control.  Thank you so much again.

You can learn about Elijah & Autumn in my previous post and learn about their story here:

As a side note, I know this is crazy with all I am doing, but I hope to put together a signature quilt for Elijah and if time allows, one for Autumn.  God has provided the desire so he will provide the time and friends to get it accomplished.  Here is the block we plan to use:

So far everything has come from stash.  The background is a cotton and the plaids are homespuns.  The plan is for a 50x70 lap quilt.  So twenty-four of these blocks plus a 5" border all the way around will reach that goal OR 35 blocks with no border.

Please keep me encouraged to keep going on this project; the work load is looking daunting but friends and people are what matter in life.  Sometimes I get funny looks from people when they learn I am not employed outside the home.  The question is:  "What do you do all day?"  My husband and I laugh and my response is "You know, I am fresh out of soap operas and bon bons".

Downton Abbey
The center pieced portion of the Down Abbey quilt is complete.  I am waiting for thread for the borders; it looks like it will be here sometime Monday.  Here is a look at how the center turned out:

A couple of closer up pictures with half the quilt at a time:

I ended up with a very simple border design around the logos in each corner.  

Once the thread is here, feathers are still planned for the dark inner border and a simple rope design for the outer flowered border:
I'll use this handiquilter ruler to accomplish this border design.

I'll be linking  up today with and so come join the fun!


  1. So sorry to hear of the tragedy and I already said a prayer. I will send you a few blocks for their quilts if you let me know the dimensions. I have homespuns and cream cotton on hand. I was thinking that others may want to join in and each block could represent a prayer.

    1. Thank you so much, Sheri! I apologize for not responding earlier but I never received your comment. I just happened to look on line and saw your comment. I can't find your blog but if you can give me a way to contact you, I would be thrilled to give you the block information. That would be a tremendous blessing.

  2. Praying for your friends and their families, Penny. How sweet of you to plan a quilt for this young man in a time of need. Your efforts will be greatly appreciated. Lovely quilting on your Downton Abbey quilt. It's gorgeous!

  3. Your quilting is beautiful, and such a sweet quilt to make. Sometimes those that we squeeze in when we're super busy are the most meaningful.
